Service Manager


This is the latest version of the help for Ivanti Service Manager 2018. If you cannot find some of the features described in the help, you may be using an older version of the application. To upgrade the application, click here.
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Creating Budget Items

You can designate specific items to include in a budget. Budget items are added to the budget within the sub-budget plan, which is then included in the master budget plan.

1.Log into the Service Desk Console.

2.Open the Sub-Budget Plan workspace.

3.Select the Budget Item tab. The list of budget items appears, if any.

4.Click New ITFM Budget Item. The system displays the New ITFM Budget Item window.

5.Enter information into the fields.

Field Description
Budget Item # The budget item number. Automatically generated by the system.
Name A unique, descriptive name for the budget item.
Description A description of the budget item.
Price List Item A price list item from the list.
Cost Driver Automatically entered by the system based on the chosen price list item. If the price list item is empty, you can manually enter a number.
Unit Cost Automatically entered by the system based on the chosen price list item. If the price list item is empty, you can manually enter a number.
Unit of Measure Automatically entered by the system based on the chosen price list item. If the price list item is empty, you can manually enter a unit, such as user, feet, or each.
Usage The number of units to purchase or the number of hours used.
Budget Automatically calculated by the system based on the unit cost multiplied by the usage number. When this item is calculated, the total amounts in the sub-budget and master budget plans are updated.

Budget Start Date

Budget End Date

If the sub-budget is created from the master budget, these dates are automatically entered by the system. You can enter dates for your sub-budget. This dates are constrained by dates in the sub-budget. The start date cannot be earlier than the sub-budget start date and the end date cannot be later than the sub-budget end date.

Capital Expense

Direct Cost

Fixed Cost

Automatically checked based on the chosen price list item. You can also manually select them.

6.Click Save. The window closes and the item appears on the list.

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